It's Sale-A-Bration time again at Stampin' Up! and free product is what it's all about! Every year Stampin' Up! gives customers, hostesses, and new recruits the opportunity to earn fantastic, FREE, limited-edition stamp sets they'll enjoy for years to come. Here's how Sale-A-Bration works:
Customers: When you spend $100 on Stampin' Up! merchandise, you'll receive a free Sale-A-Bration Stamp Set. There's no limit-for every $100 you spend, you can select another free Sale-A-Bration Stamp Set.
Hostesses: When you host a workshop of at least $600 (before shipping), you'll receive a free Sale-A-Bration Stamp Set-in addition to all of the regular hostess benefits!
Recruits: During Sale-A-Bration, anyone who joins as a demonstrator can choose any stamp set, a value of up to $79.95, from our current Idea Book and Catalogue!
Let the Sale-A-Bration begin!
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